Growing Up and Moving On

Around this time of the year, I am usually mentally and physically preparing for yet another new year of school. However, In just a couple weeks, I will be beginning a new, albeit relatively short, chapter of my life.

I am happy to announce that I will be living in Pennsylvania for the next year, serving with the Episcopal Service Corps in a service agency and living in a community of five others my age. I am constantly being asked if I am excited. To some I say yes. To others, I go further and say yes, I am excited and little nervous as well. I’m not really nervous about living in a different state; I’m nervous about stepping outside the comforting familiarity of going to classes, reading assignments, and writing papers.

Today, I saw some high school friends for the first time in a couple years. It’s amazing how we have all grown up; our high school selves would most likely be surprised at who we’ve become and/or experiences we’ve had. We’ve all had different experiences, but we are all basically at the same stage of life where we’re transitioning from student to “real world” life. It is a strange stage, trying to figure out careers that will suit us in the future as well as relationships that will carry us on the river.

This  year, I know where I’m living and I somewhat know what I’m doing, but it’s unclear as to what I’m doing afterwards. But I know that I shouldn’t stress unnecessarily because what will happen will happen and I’ll accept it when it does.

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