moments from 5/12/17

moment 1: I wake at 8:00. The sky outside my window is grey. The tree is startlingly green. The building across the way needs a new roof.

moment 2: I introduce a housemate to the Peter, Paul, and Mary, musicians of my childhood.

moment 3. “Be swift to love.”

moment 4: A housemate asks me what I’m thinking. My thoughts, seemingly irritated by the question, fly away.

moment 5: I decided between a green and tan charger with the same capabilities. Why is one more expensive than the other?

moment 6: The water flows over my fingers, baptizing a flap of dead skin, as I wash the dishes.

moment 7: Nicki Minaj.

moment 8. Why did I stop to look at the books? Furthermore, why did I not listen to myself when I told me, “Do not get any.”

moment 9: … I need to gather crayons.

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