I simply remember my favorite things…

This post was inspired by Maira Kalman’s book My Favorite Things. Sadly, my list is not illustrated like hers is. Maybe I’ll add that to my list of projects which includes a novel and some short stories…

My Favorite Things
Used bookstores. The store is used quite often and the books are well –loved.
A soft blanket wrapped around my lower limbs.
The kettle on my electric stove. The anticipation of its enthusiastic, shriller-than-shrill whistle.
The poinsettia on my headboard. Its yellow pot has a tribute to a fallen friend.
Playing Bananagrams with myself. The words I acquire: extraneous, embroiled, femur, pesky, fibia, glaringly, testy, rodent, gem, coupon, credit, thunder, quay, hover.
The Colorado autumn, gold and quaking.
Planting my feet firmly on the sidewalk.
Mail in the mailbox. Excepting bills.
Eavesdropping. “I ain’t dropping no eaves, sir!” – Samwise Gamgee
The resonating sound of a cello, like molasses. There’s a glass of milk in case your throat goes dry.
The middle of a book. Not finished yet, but you’ve made progress.
The words “happy birthday” coming from a two year old mouth.
The first day of a new month. 29 days to look forward to.
Accomplishing something small. It feels big at the time.
Sleeping in. The day goes by so quickly.
Seeing the sunrise, even if it means getting up way too early.
Dreaming of the future with no sweating involved.
Quotes. “And remember the truth that once was spoken: to love another person is to see the face of God!” – Les Miserables
The anticipation of reading books that haven’t been read it.
Thinking of more favorite things.


What are your favorite things?

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